Plant Based Lifestyle

5 Things You Need to Know Before You Go Vegan

Image of megan shouting "before you go vegan, read this"

Today I’m sharing with you the 5 things you need to know before you go vegan.

But before we get into that I want to personally invite you to my new coaching community over on Facebook. It’s called Plant-Based health for women, and guys it’s awesome! We’ve got some great engagement and helpful resources that I just know you’re going to love! Click here to join!

Alright here are my top 5 things you need to know before you take the leap and go vegan!

These 5 tips are crucial to going vegan successfully.

How to Successfully Go Vegan

  1. You need to eat enough
  2. Your food has to taste good
  3. You’ve got to eat the healthy stuff
  4. You need to have a good enough reason to go vegan
  5. You need to know how to talk to friends and family

How to Eat Enough on a Vegan Diet

I cannot tell you how many posts I’ve come across on social media with new vegans eating vegetables for dinner. Like, literally a plate of vegetables.

While getting in your veggies is vitally important to maintain good health, it’s just not going to be enough calories to sustain you long term.

Keep it balanced-you need good whole grains, plant-sources of protein like tofu, legumes, beans, and lentils, and of course lots of fruit, veg, and some nuts and seeds.

How to Make Vegan Food Taste Good

Nobody wants to eat the same boring salad every single day! I know I definitely do not want to eat the same boring salad every day!

Find some go-to recipes that are easy for you to create and that you and your family enjoy eating. My blog has a ton of resources for you! And if you join us over at plant-based health for women there are a ton of resources there are well!

Here are some of my most popular recipes to get you started:

  1. Vegan Eggs Benedict: A Hollandaise Sauce to Blow Your Mind!
  2. Crispy Tofu Chicken 3 Ways: BBQ, Dry Garlic, Asian Sesame
  3. One-Pot Homemade Vegan Hamburger Helper

Proper Nutrition on a Vegan Diet

Yes, Oreos are vegan-and so are chips and all the other junk.

Every day it feels like companies are coming out with more and more vegan options.

This is fantastic for the animals and for people new to vegan living, however, most of the processed stuff isn’t the healthiest.

Stick to whole plant foods for the best nutrition to calorie ratio.

The Best Reason to Go Vegan

You’ve got to have a good enough reason to want to go plant-based. Did you just get a health scare? Maybe you heard about the ecological implications of animal agriculture.

One of the best reasons to go vegan is actually ethics. It’s not that the other reasons are not valid, but in my experience, once you make the ethical connection, you won’t want to go back to eating animal products.

I’ve talked about this in this video here which I encourage you to watch next. Basically, once you have a reason outside of your self, eating plant-based becomes a lot easier to stick to.

How to Talk to Friends and Family When You’re Vegan

Our entire culture and social systems are based around food.

From birthdays to get-togethers to just grabbing coffee together, we are constantly asked to eat.

When we are eating in a different way from our closest friends and family it creates a disconnect and people don’t like it. Soon they’ll be trying to get the “old you” back.

To avoid hurting feelings, try simply saying “thanks so much for offering, I’m sure it’s delicious, but I’m really happy eating this way. It seems to be working well for me so far.”

It helps if you can compliment them on their cooking, or shift the conversation to how happy you are that you were able to get together and spend time with them.

If you are invited over for dinner, be sure to pre-warn your host and ask if there is anything you can bring to contribute to the meal.

In the end, the people who love and respect you will understand eventually-even if they don’t necessarily agree with your choices. It’s important to advocate for your needs, and expect respect in return.

If you find that your relationships begin to start taking a turn for the worse, then it is most likely a boundaries issue rather then just a vegan issue.

I encourage you to seek the help of a professional who works in the space of family boundaries to help you navigate your specific situation.

Whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways we can work more closely together:

  1. Follow my Youtube channel, and Instagram account
  2. Join my free coaching community over on Facebook, just for women!
  3. Take my free Secrets to Success mini-course + workbook to learn how to successfully change your lifestyle today.
  4. Apply for my personal, 1:1 coaching program

Megan Kerry

Megan Kerry is a Vegan Lifestyle Educator and Licensed Practical Nurse. Her content focuses on vegan recipes and ethical living. She is a mom of four children, a long time vegan, and an even longer time foodie. She loves veganizing any and all dishes and sharing her recipes and lifestyle tips with all of you!

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