Plant Based Lifestyle

Stop Dieting and Do This Instead for Effortless Results

Megan Kerry Pointing to the text that reads: "Stop Dieting: Here's Why"

Aren’t you so sick of dieting? Everywhere you turn there’s a new gimmick or trick that promises to help you once and for all reach your goals.

I have tried almost every diet out there. You have to leave me a comment and let me know if this sounds anything like you!

The truth is that most of them actually do work. But, the problem is that once you finally do start to see results it becomes almost impossible to stick to that diet.

You fall off track and then end up blaming yourself for not being strong enough to stick to the plan. Some people even end up gaining more weight then they had before they started the diet in the first place.

Today I’m sharing with you the 5 biggest disadvantages of dieting, and Why you need to stop dieting.

Not in a place to watch right now? Here’s the breakdown of the video:

5 Disadvantages of Dieting and Why You Need to Stop

Let’s take a look at the main reasons why dieting is the worst way to try and lose weight. Here’s why you need to stop dieting:

  1. You’re HUNGRY. Even a toddler needs between 1000-1400 calories a day to keep their body functioning. It is ridiculous to think that a grown woman should be striving to eat 1200-1500 calories a day to lose weight. Your body fights you every single step of the way because it thinks it’s starving-which it is!
  2. You can’t make it fit into the real world. Say goodbye to birthday cakes, dinner out, and coffee dates with friends. On many weight loss plans, there is little to no room for flexibility without sacrificing your results. Be sure to keep watching to find out how to get your results while still living your life.
  3. It’s hard to adapt it to your family cooking. This could leave you making separate meals, and tempting yourself. No kid wants to be on Jenny Craig okay! Some diets just won’t fit in with your family’s lifestyle.
  4. Willpower takes you only so far. You need a mindset change for true motivation. This is especially true for most of the diets that tout really low-calorie consumption. As I mentioned earlier, you are fighting your natural protective mechanisms to prevent your body from starving. Pair a starving body up to that sweet smell of Crispy Tofu Chicken and you are almost powerless to try and restrict yourself.
  5. Negative association from past experiences. This is the most dangerous and impactful reason why you need to stop dieting today. When we try a diet and we end up failing we carry that failure with us throughout our lives. It begins to colour or attempts at further weight loss or even starting any kind of healthy habit like drinking more water. We start telling ourselves that we won’t succeed and that we shouldn’t even try. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to our self-esteem. For more on self-talk and how it relates to weight loss, be sure to check out my article and video on Self-Talk for Weight Loss

So, now that you know why you need to stop dieting, let me share with you a better way to lose weight instead.

How to Stop Dieting and Still Lose Weight

If you want to achieve effortless weight loss results then switching to a whole-foods, plant-based diet is hands down the way to go.

You can eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet without restricting your calories. you don’t need to count macros. use pills or stick to a low carb or low-fat diet. This even works when eating out and navigating social situations.

Did you know that once you make the ethical connection to the foods you eat it makes it way easier to stick to a healthy eating pattern?

Watch this now:

To help you get started, I’ve created a free 5-day mini-course with a workbook and homework assignments designed to help you get started today.

Click the link here to start your lifestyle change today!

And don’t forget to check out my free coaching program, plant-based health for women. It’s an amazing community of like-minded people just like you who are leveling up their health and seeing results!

Let’s continue the conversation there!

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Whenever you’re ready here are 4 ways we can work more closely together:

  1. Follow my Youtube channel, and Instagram account
  2. Join my free coaching community over on Facebook, just for women!
  3. Take my free Secrets to Success mini-course + workbook to learn how to successfully change your lifestyle today.
  4. Apply for my personal, 1:1 coaching program

Megan Kerry

Megan Kerry is a Vegan Lifestyle Educator and Licensed Practical Nurse. Her content focuses on vegan recipes and ethical living. She is a mom of four children, a long time vegan, and an even longer time foodie. She loves veganizing any and all dishes and sharing her recipes and lifestyle tips with all of you!

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